Centre for Spiritual Insight

The Sir Anthony Foundation

The Centre

The Center for Spiritual Insight offers support in your quest to give spirituality a place in daily life with a series of publications and personal Soul Characteristics.

The Sir Anthony Foundation is a Private Foundation that aims to spread the Message of Sir Anthony to those who are open to it, on the basis of the information provided by him.

The Knowledge Center gives you information about the fundamentals of spirituality in which the Soul is central.

Soul Requests is the umbrella name for the characteristics of the Soul that you can obtain here. They are a manual for finding and establishing your individuality.

The Bookshelf is the library of books that have been published under the umbrella of the Center and through its own Publishing House, which allow you to absorb all knowledge about the Soul at your own pace.

Catalog gives a complete overview of all items that you can obtain on this site, both the Soul Requests and our books, that support you in your spiritual development.

This website serves two purposes. On the one hand, it offers you the opportunity to get acquainted with a view on spirituality that has been given to us, in which your Soul is central. On the other hand, it is a platform to offer a number of items to those who are open to it, such as our publications and a series of reports with Soul Properties. But we don’t like digital information carriers. We only use it for what is strictly necessary. This atypical website is not a learning platform, it is a short introduction in combination with a shop. It is best to use this on a sufficiently large screen to keep an overview. In any case, if you want to delve further into the matter in the future, it is best to do so with a book in hand or a printed report in front of you. That’s more concrete than digital bits and bytes. In doing so, it is desirable to make connections with your own life experience. Because that’s where it happens. For us, spirituality is not a lofty story, but a quest to establish your individuality with your feet on the ground. Your inner voice may already be telling you that you’ve come to the right place. It is good to listen to that.