Centre for Spiritual Insight

The Sir Anthony Foundation


The KnowledgeCentre gives you an introduction to a number of topics that shape spirituality. It’s just a fraction of the information available. Think of it as an invitation to deepen your knowledge. If that’s what you want, you will have to do it yourself, for example through our books and the Soul Requests available here. To be clear, this page is not a blog, there are no news items. If there are any, we distribute them via a newsletter (in Dutch). At the start of each year we send a New Year’s message and also when new publications appear. You can subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of the page.

The Soul

The fact that you are reading this indicates that you are at least interested in the existence of the Soul. Every human being has a Soul, everybody. Not everyone is aware of it. After all, only a minority believes that there is more between Heaven and Earth than just matter, even though that group is growing visibly.

What is a Soul? The Soul does not consist of matter, nor is it energy, it is by definition invisible and imperceptible with any instrument. This immediately debunks a lot of myths. However, the Soul is palpable. It resides in your abdomen at the level of your solar plexus. It’s closer to your stomach than to your heart. That’s another misconception. Your body is the temple of your Soul. Take great care of it.

There is a proof of the existence of the Soul. You can experience it yourself, feel it. There is no better evidence available. It is an unstoppable force that pushes you to move forward, as if a piece of God lives in you, searching for insight. It is also your inner source with a gigantic amount of knowledge that you want to expand further. This is your conscience and you consult it through your intuition. That is the sense of your Soul!

The Soul Path

The Soul Path is a description of the trajectory that each Soul has to undergo. That trajectory has a starting point and an end point, even if it is not really the beginning nor an end. Your Soul in its current form started its own path billions of years ago at the Big Bang. Before this Big Bang, only the Unity, the sum of all souls existed in one Great Oneness. That is beyond the scope of human imagination. After all, before the Big Bang, there was no matter and not even time. That indicates something about the Soul, which is also immaterial and timeless.

Following that traumatic Big Bang, the mission of each Soul is to make its own way back to the Oneness. Along the way, it has the task of developing. Think of this as a trick of the Oneness to evolve. First split into pieces, then let each piece grow, and then gather together again in the Oneness. It is one big transformation that is far from complete. Your current life on Earth is a fraction of your long Soul Path. But it also indicates why you are here and what you have to do. You have an assignment. At least it is your Soul’s Desire to fulfil this.

In doing so, you can ask yourself whether you are a human being with a Soul or are you a Soul that temporarily resides in a human body. Man’s arrogance puts himself at the centre. That God created man in his image, testifies to the same haughtiness. It should be clear, the Soul is the Higher Good, the reason for your existence and even the meaning of your life.

This puts your life in the right context. It already provides clarity about what spirituality may mean. It is nothing more or less than developing your Soul. To do that, you have to get to know it and know how that development can happen.

In Earthly terms, this can best be described as growing in wisdom, gaining insights and then acting on them. This often goes against the social norm. It is not an easy process, it requires Love, Strength and Wisdom.

The Spirit World

If you believe that there is more between Heaven and Earth than just matter, then you will soon arrive at the existence of the Soul, that is already clear from the above. And if this Soul has been on a trajectory for several billion years, then the idea of incarnation is obvious. The Soul has a series of lives in matter to complete on its path, rounding it up to a thousand.

If you believe that, then you cannot help but believe that there is a Spirit world. That is the place where Souls reside in anticipation of their arrival in matter on the one hand, and on the other hand, the abode after the completion of those many lifetimes on Earth. There’s not much left than to pick up here. The further development of your Soul then takes place in the Spirit world. Thus the Soul grows into the Higher Spheres and no longer incarnates.

Souls in the Higher Spheres come in different categories. On the one hand, there is the road that has already been travelled that plays a role, but on the other hand, there is the track record that is decisive. This is where the Masters in particular distinguish themselves from other Souls, because they have extracted what was possible in the Earthly Spheres and have also continued this line during their stay in the Spirit World. For there, too, the work on the Soul continues.

A number of Souls in the Spirit world with sufficient track record focus on a Soul in matter. They take on the role of guardian angel, a guide, and that is always a Soul unknown to you. You can instinctively make contact with that helpline. The line is there to help you and show you the way.

This introduction is there to give a place to the existence of Higher Souls from Higher Spheres. It is only logical that they exist. If you continue the line that you have a Soul, then there must also be a broader framework in which it fits. That suffices as an introduction to indicate something about Sir Anthony.

Sir Anthony

Sir Anthon is a Higher Soul and, as the title indicates, a Master. In addition to less meaningful embodiments, he has also completed some seminal lives: Rames II, the most important Egyptian Pharaoh; Peter, at the side of Jesus, the man on whom He would build his rock, and Sir Anthony van Dijck, the renowned 17th-century Baroque painter. We use this last incarnation as a salutation at his request.

That Jesus would build his rock on Sir Anthony was announced 2000 years ago and is given a concrete interpretation in these times. Where Jesus himself went to Earth as a Higher Soul to proclaim a Message, the Spirit World has assigned Sir Anthony a different role. He stays where he is, but has taken on the same mission: to convey a Message that supports the development of Earthly Souls. This aims to give the Great Oneness a boost and so far it has been quite successful. Even though we have only been working for a few decades and we are still at the beginning of the new era. There is still a long way to go.

In doing so, Sir Anthony has taken on an important task. As a direct interlocutor of an Earthly Soul, He passes on refined information about the workings of the Soul and answers to questions posed from Earthly concerns. The dialogue is bearing fruit, with more and more details being discussed that have accelerated the development in the Earthly Spheres. You can find the report in our books. Through the same line He also passes on Soul Characteristics of the person who wishes to know them.

Isn’t this too good to be true? Can you believe such a thing? Consult your own intuition. But most of all, you experience the correctness of His Message and those characteristics from your own experiences. Your Soul Feeling gives you the confirmation. In this way it becomes faith and form of knowing, so that you can only conclude that the whole story is correct.

Power vs. Love

Important to point out are the lessons of what happened more than 2000 years ago. At that time, the Message of Jesus was used by a number of contemporaries as an instrument of power under the false motto: the end justifies the means, souls must be converted. That is not worth repeating. Just look at what came out of that. Sir Anthony’s Message is not a religion and it should not be one. It is an attitude to life that you freely choose and that no one needs to be convinced of.

In addition, any form of personal gain from the Message goes against the principles of the Great Oneness. The use of power is out of the question and personal prestige is anything but a soul’s desire. That means that the Message is not a dogma. It is a non-binding offer for those who are open to it. That is why Sir Anthony is extremely selective in his direct contact, abuse must be prevented at all times.

It is not important to know how this contact works in detail. Much more important is the question of whether what He passes on is correct for you and whether you want to make use of it. Whether that is actually an added value, you will find out from your own experience.

So if you believe that there is more than just matter, then you can freely give Sir Anthony’s Message a chance. Let it speak for itself and draw your own conclusions. In this way, any form of doubt about its existence can disappear and you will find a concrete approach to give spirituality a place in your life.

Power is a term that everyone can relate to, you want to influence the other person or control a situation. Love is renunciation of power and has nothing to do with an amorous relationship. It is not the well-known form of affection for the other person, but rather listening to and acting according to your own Soul. Love is a personal search for insight, how you can create more of your individuality, in which the change takes place within yourself. So you don’t have to bend anything to your will.

In addition, Love is breaking your power of habit, giving you power over yourself. It is resisting temptations that distract you from your authenticity, learning to stay in your power in the tumultuous outside world and in relation to the other who wants things to be different than they are. Love is learning not to lose yourself in the circumstances that are thrown at you and to have the courage to stay true to yourself without much fanfare.

The Language of the Soul

The language of the Soul is the feeling, even more, your gut feeling. Your intuition is the sense, it provides you with a mass of information. At the other end of the spectrum is your brain, the opposite of your Soul. These grey brain cells are matter, measurable and even the object of the medical world. Think of that brain as the biggest spiritual obstacle you have to overcome as a human being.

That may raise a lot of questions and if you wonder where those questions come from, then you don’t have to think about it for long, from your brain. Know in advance, your brain easily runs away with you, makes connections that fit in its own stall, it makes representations that confirm your dreamed image and assumptions based on a boundless fantasy.

The feeling, on the other hand, does not fool you, it is the source of your wisdom. The feeling is unmanipulable and undeniable. No argument can bring it down, unless you shift to your brain yourself, then you’re screwed.

The most important foundation of spirituality is differentiate what and how you want it, based on your feelings: sensitive distinction. Feel what you want, how you want it and if you listen to that, you will be empowered. To listen, you have to be quiet. You can practice this by meditating mindlessly. This also promotes your awareness.

Feeling is an art. Anyone who wants to can become proficient in it. As a human being, you close the door of feeling by developing learned behaviour from an early age. You do this to survive and to conquer a place in society. But some have had enough of that on a nice day. Call it the awakening of the Soul. Then you have had enough of walking in the queue and start the search for how things can be done differently. That search is prompted for your Soul.

In the sensitive world, there are different kinds of feelings:

  • Your intuitive feeling: even before you’ve shaken someone’s hand, you already know whether you like that person or not. That information is given to you by your intuition, something you all too often ignore to say afterwards “by golly, I knew it!”.
  • Your Soul Feeling: gives you a feeling experience after an incident and indicates whether or not your behaviour was in line with your Soul. It’s a right or wrong experience. Even more often than the intuitive feeling, this information is completely ignored.
  • The unpleasant: anger, sadness, disappointment and rejection, these are just a few examples of the wide range of unpleasant feelings. The special thing is that they are the result of your own behaviour, in which you have not acted according to your Soul. They are very important and are an inevitable part of the Soul Path. Learn to embrace them, but don’t let them guide you.
  • Satisfaction and contentment: that is the experience you have when you act in line with your Soul. It’s not a great experience, rather a nice okay.
  • Emotions: they arise when you skip feeling. Then emotions arise, both verbal and non-verbal, a cry, a reproach, a long face or some other exercise of power to indicate dissatisfaction with the world or the other. The main emotion is fear. That experience is also inevitable on your path and the advice is again: learn to embrace fear, but don’t let it guide you. Go through it, that’s how you get to your feelings.

Verbalizing feelings, especially the unpleasant ones, without wanting to exert power on the other person, is often an intermediate step to your spiritual insight and helps you to turn a page.

The terminology of feelings is a bit confusing for many. After all, there is also a mountain of physical chemistry that provides a series of addictive experiences, from the ego rush to euphoria, from revulsion to happiness. The pursuit of bliss is a human desire, but it is very different from the satisfaction of the Soul. Your zest for life and desire for pleasure are fed by your desires, which you pierce over time and where you are confronted with the hollowness of the empty box. There is only one alternative, to live according to your Soul. It is the only way to give meaning to your life. You’ll have your hands full for a lifetime.

Good to know, the interface between Heaven and Earth is the ground. That’s the place where it’s best to stand with your feet, in the matter, even if that’s shit sometimes. The acceptance of reality, that which is, is the basis for spiritual development. With woolly stuff or hidden in the reeds, nothing will come of it.

Spiritual Insights

You could compare spiritual insight to life experience, where you become wiser by learning your lessons from what happens to you. This obvious description encompasses more than meets the eye. It says that you learn from your own experience and not from someone else’s. The word “experience” indicates that you are learning from an event. Something happens to you and you have to deal with it wisely. This is in stark contrast to book wisdom. Even if you agree with the possible wise counsel, you do not gain spiritual insight from it. After all, nothing has happened to you and you have not been able to act on anything.

A spiritual insight is a form of changed behaviour. It is change in your actions guided by your own wisdom. That wisdom is within you, your Soul is your guide. It is an always sensitive choice, in which you all too often ignore social customs.

Searching for insight requires an attitude in which you keep your finger on your own pulse and ask questions about yourself. Am I correct? As soon as an opportunity for your personal development is recognized, the homework can begin: what is wisdom? You can ponder reflectively, but the way from your brain to your feelings is often a bridge too far. This creates fleeting insights that don’t stick. The other way around is a lot more efficient, by letting your sensitive insight bubble up from your guts, your conclusions are immediately stored in your conscience. An insight can suddenly be clear to you, a “that’s it!” experience and sometimes you have a night to sleep on. If an insight needs to be found, it won’t work, your experience will teach you. So give it the necessary time and don’t force it. Know that more complex insights only require more incubation time.

Some advice, it may happen that a layer of unpleasantness needs to be worked through before you can go to your insights. That layer often stands in the way of your conclusions. Giving time and space to your anger, sadness or disappointment paves the way for your Soul to learn your lessons and act on them.

Finally, your insight is always an inner change in which you never exert power over the other. By changing yourself, you get a different view of the world. Things that used to disturb you will no longer bother you. Then you have proof that your insight is complete.

Characteristics of the Soul

There is an almost indispensable sources of information that will help you in your search for insight: Your DNA Code of the Soul. This Code gives you direction and interpretation about yourself, so that you don’t have to look for a haystack first and then find the needle.

The DNA Code of the Soul is a series of personal traits, which reflect what you can focus on in order to get more “Soul” in place. It is quite extensive matter, given by Sir Anthony. You are not able to determine for yourself what those characteristics are, your brain then makes a mess of it. It will take you several years to master this. This starts with mainly reflective approaches, which evolve over time into sensitive insights. For those who start on their spiritual path, it is an indispensable source that opens your consciousness so that you can get started with your personal development.

Other Tools on Your Soul Path

Fate: As soon as you choose the spiritual path, the role of Fate is sharpened for you. Think of it as a part of the Greater Whole, which you want to help in your development. Everything that happens to you, all coincidences, have meaning. They are always opportunities that are offered to you from which you can learn a lesson.

Our books: Over the years, a whole series of books have been published with explanations about the Message of Sir Anthony. They are all useful sources that highlight different elements each time. Together they form a whole. It offers you the opportunity to master the material at your own pace. If you look at the publications from a distance, you will recognize the advancing insight. The explanations are becoming more and more refined, going a step deeper each time.

The past and the future

The first contacts with Sir Anthony date back to the mid-90s. This contact has evolved a lot over the years, as if there was a learning process to be followed on both sides of the line. As a result, the information has become more and more sophisticated, more sensitive is perhaps the right word.

On the other hand, over the decades, the information passed on about the Soul has also become more and more extensive. This large amount is spread over a whole series of publications and can only be absorbed little by little. If you walk through it too fast, you won’t be able to see the forest for the trees. Your own growth process determines the rhythm with which you can get started.

In addition, refinements have been made by the experience gained with the information obtained. As a result, the interpretation we have given to this has also evolved considerably. This makes it possible that the elaboration in the first publications is somewhat dated. But that’s okay, it can only stimulate your own process.

Based on all these experiences, we started translating. The focus here is mainly on the DNA Code of the Soul, which is an important basis. The Sir Anthony Foundation, a private foundation, aims to make translations available in the coming years, as well as to expand the Soul Requests. When the time is right…

This brings us to the very beginning of a very long journey. The discovery of the Soul and how to live with it is a pioneering work of which only the first steps have been taken. Many more will follow. An irreversible process has thus been initiated and that is leading us into the future.